Secret of Toshihiko Sorimachi Koshihikari Rice from Nagaoka, Niigata Prefecture

purebred KOSHIHIKARI from Niigata
The Main Current of Japanese Rice That Makes You Want to Eat Another Spoonful
It is a special type of Koshihikari rice.
Koshihikari is a world-renowned Japanese rice variety. Among all, those produced in Niigata is known as “Japan’s best” and continues to enjoy a good reputation. Nagaoka City, the cultivation area of Niigata Koshihikari, is also known as the place where the first Niigata Koshihikari has grown. However, a new variety from Niigata Koshihikari was developed in 2005 (the new variety was also named as “Koshihikari”), and at that time, about 90% of the Niigata Koshihikari farmers switched to the new variety. Most of the currently distributed Koshihikari is from new one, making the highly acclaimed “first” Niigata Koshihikari become very difficult to get. Our product is made from the so-called “first” Niigata Koshihikari. Our rice has a good-old Koshihikari taste, a treasured gem that was made possible through the skillful hands of our farmers that continue to raise the crops lovingly and carefully the traditional way.
Raised Pesticide-Free
Our crops are grown pesticide-free and nourished with organic fertilizer during its cultivation period
Although we have not received an official organic certification (JAS certification for organic foods), Toshihiko Sorimachi, the man behind our product, also cultivates JAS-certified rice. With that know-how, he has been producing a “rice grown without chemical fertilizers during cultivation” on fields that have not been treated with pesticide for more than five years. And, with good faith, we can confidently say that our product is cultivated using only organic fertilizers. Here is the link of the result of the residual pesticide test performed on our product (Japanese).
Our Commitment
Our product is grown through domestically-developed agricultural methods that enhance and activate minerals in the soil, using good bacteria that has inhabited the soil from time immemorial. Waters from Shinano River nourish the rice field, making the crops ionized, and producing an optimal environment for the rice to easily absorb more minerals. Because our crops are raised with no pesticide, our farmers make an all-out effort in protecting them from naturally-growing rice weeds. The “first” Koshihikari variety produced is susceptible to rice diseases and tends to lodge on windy areas. Hence, adequate skill, technology, as well as enthusiasm and passion, is needed to produce a good quality of rice like ours. Enjoy the authentic taste of our Koshihikari rice, which is raised with love and utmost care.
It tastes so good – before you know it, one more spoonful will lead to one more bowl.